
 Les Éditions Sisyphe

 3635, rue Clark
 Montréal, QC, Canada
 H2X 2S1
 Tél. : 450-222-1592

 Diffuseur en Europe

 Librairie du Québec Paris
 30, rue Gay Lussac
 75005 Paris
 Tél. :+33 1 43 54 49 02
 Téléc. : 01 43 54 39 15

Serial and Mass Murder

par Sisyphe

Whether it be the 1989 massacre of the female students at the Polytechnique or the serial murders of prostituted women in Vancouver, whether it be in the United States or elsewhere, recent decades have seen an appreciable increase in multiple murders, and in particular mass murders. This increase cannot be explained by personal factors alone. Plus d’info.

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